Competitive Customs Brokers Services – Airsealand S.A.
|Recently updated on February 5th, 2024 at 02:45 pm
25 years ago we had a dream: to create a company under the concept, novel at the time, of one-stop-shopping; that is, a company that offered Competitive Customs Brokers Services related to international logistics without the limitations of the time, such as, for example, specialization in some mode of transport or merchandise or service, understanding the market as a single one, capable of giving equal attention to competitors, customs brokers and all the actors in the value chain, without distinction, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information received, avoiding any conflict of interest.
Today that is a standard, at that time it was something new and we were pioneers in its implementation.
Years passed; we certify all our processes under the ISO 9001:2015 standard as Global Logistics Providers and Customs Brokers; we develop and implement our own Ethics & Compliance Code to remain competitive in Customs Brokers Services; and today we can proudly say that we are already one of the few companies that make up the exclusive group of 0.005% that exceed 20 years of existence, having managed to survive the ups and downs so typical of Argentina.
The particular circumstances of the moment prevent us from a proper celebration, but we have grown in difficulties, so we are going to do so in this one as well.
It was possible to travel this whole path thanks to the support of many people but, fundamentally, I must thank the one who accompanied me from the beginning of this adventure, my partner, Dr. Patricia Calvert de Bohun, who has put all her ability at the service of the company. Also, of course, to all our staff without whose support we would not have made it this far.
Ocean Freight
Air Freight
Bonded Warehouses
Operations Coordination
Transport Insurance
Address: Alsina 653, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54.11.4342.0123
Fax: +54.11.4331.1052
Email: [email protected]
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