F.D. Transportation GmbH
|Address: Holleralle 13, D-28209 Bremen (Germany)
Tel: +49.421.841314-0
Fax: +49.421.489459-9
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.fdtransportation.com/
One Comment
Address: Holleralle 13, D-28209 Bremen (Germany)
Tel: +49.421.841314-0
Fax: +49.421.489459-9
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.fdtransportation.com/
Dear Cargo Partner Team,
My name is Wissam, Head of Sales and Partnership at Gulf Express Logistics LLC, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
We are working closely with the Electronics market within Dubai and arranging imports from US,CA,AU and EU. Decent weekly volumes.
There is a remarkable volume of Airfreight/seafreight imports from Germany, Finland and Norway that we are missing due to rates and efficiency of our current agents.
Are you able to serve our regular airfreight shipments out of all those 3 countries?
Commodity: Used laptops/Tablets.
Packing: Always palletized.
MSDS and battery category are attached.
Minimum promised volume: 5-6 shipments per month to start with. 1000+ kg’s each